- Schuh Karmel Lace Over Knee
perfect height but then again when it comes to London autumns, suede sucks. £89.99
Faith Maseave, (above) £95 - £76 for 20% off til tomorrow, again suede will wreak havoc with london puddles. Apparently sude, not too sure about the wooden cork heels (8.5 cms)
Bullboxer Over The Knee Boot (right)
from Barrats, my favourite so far, the non-existant heels, the simplicty (some may read dullness)apparently leather: £75 would be a snip
Regan from Dune £175. leather, the tassles, the buckles, gorgeous, absolutely spanking gorgeous. dont know if i have the attitude to wear them though: will the shoe fairy pretty pretty please drop me a pair while i sleep? pretty please?
Barrats leather "over the knee" below,
speaks pretty much for its damn self, again good sensible looking footwear for £85