Thursday, 19 March 2009

First thoughts as Jetlag sets in...

Well, I'm back from Japan

If it weren't for the last day with our host taking us on a boat tour of Tokyo I would have been VERY disappointed. 13 hour flight there, 12 h our back: 9 hours ahead of London- wintertime.
Similar temperature to London for the first couple of days, then warmer and warmer after the National Holiday celebrating the Vernal Equinox. I missed out on the Sakura blossoming period unfortunately.

I am thoroughly jetlagged and shattered. Here are some of the things I will and will NOT miss:

Things i WILL miss

1. Heated toilet seats

2. Separate powder room sections in toilets


4. The Huge array of drinks in vending machines and cigarettes costing around 2GBP/20Pack

And some things I WON'T be missing:

1. The twenty-minute wait for the 25 minute bus into town. The confusing procedures for bus fare payment and having no seats left due to the large amount of old people that seats are to be courteously offered to.

2. The COMPLETELY JAPANESE and therefore incomprehensible train maps.

3. The CROWDS. 120 million people fit on to a space smaller than Britain. Go figure.

4. Having to take my shoes off everywhere I go, from clothes store changing rooms to restaurants.

5. Chopsticks
6. Not being able to smoke on the streets, only in confined smoking rooms with creepy middle-aged, balding, beer-bellied, sweaty gaping men. ewwoo

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